DRD Testing & Support Services Center
Services & Accommodations
- Testing accommodations including adapting test, proctoring, extended time, computer testing, etc.
- Accessible Technology
- Accessible Furniture
- Reader/Transcriber Services
- In-Class Accessibility Assistants
- Note-Taker Services
Testing Services
Accommodated Testing
Drop-In Testing is the standard for regular semester accommodated testing. For finals week, we will be scheduling finals with specific start times.*
*Forms must be submitted 1 week in advance for Finals week only.
**As of Spring 2024, Finals week exams will have specific start times, 8am or 12:30pm. Please use our Finals Week Parameter Form button for the desired testing campus.
All test proctoring must be completed:
Santa Rosa: Mon-Thur 8am - 4:30pm, Fri 8am-12pm
Petaluma: Mon-Thur 8:15am - 4:30pm, Fri 8am-12pm
Testing Locations:
PLOVER HALL: Room 559 (Santa Rosa Campus)
RICHARD CALL BUILDING: Room 608 (Petaluma Campus)
For more information about the Accommodated Testing process, please click on the button below:
To fill out the online testing parameters form, please click on one of the buttons below:
- Write or type information dictated by you if you have limited use of your hands, limited vision, or documented print disabilities severely impacting the ability to write.
- May not help with proof reading or editing your work.
- May not correct spelling errors unless the instructor has given prior authorization for use of a spell checker or dictionary.
Transcribers may not provide answers, or give clarification or interpretation of a question or concept.
- Read aloud written materials if you have limited vision or documented print disabilities.
- May not provide answers or offer clarification or interpretation of a question or concept. If you have a question during an exam in DRD, ask the Support Services Specialist who will assist in contacting the instructor.
Readers may not provide answers, or give clarification or interpretation of a question or concept.
Note-Taking Services
For instructions about how to provide a Note-Taker, please click on the button below:
Disability Etiquette
Regardless of their specific status, every student with a disability is entitled to the same level of inclusion, course participation, and respect as their peers. For more information, please visit the Disability Etiquette page.
Using Testing Accommodations:
- It is advised to take your exam in or near your classroom if your instructor can provide the accommodations. This way you will have access to the instructor if you have questions.
- Students have the right to take accommodated tests and quizzes in the Testing Accommodations and Support Services Office unless the student and the instructor have agreed that the accommodation can be supported in the classroom.
- If you are approved for extra time on exams, try to schedule classes so you can start your exams at the same time as your class and use your extended time without impacting another class.
- If you have questions about the test, we will try to contact the instructor for clarification.
- Bring all necessary materials.
- Only approved items are allowed in testing – phones, laptops, personal devices, food, and other belongings cannot be accessed while testing.
- Students caught cheating will have their instructor and Disability Specialist notified. It is your instructor’s decision whether or not to proceed with the disciplinary process.